
Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Ya Allah... 
Hamba-Mu yang lemah ini memohon pertolongan..
Sesungguhnya jalan yang aku lalui gelap tanpa cahaya..
Tak pasti mana arah nak dituju..
Ke kiri kah, ke kanan kah..
Ilham tak kunjung tiba..
Hanya Engkau yang Maha Mengetahui..
Pemilik segala ilmu di alam buana..
Ilhamkan lah pada ku jawapannya..
Biarkan jalan ku bercahaya..
Lepaskan aku dari segala kemelutan..
Kekeliruan yang mengabur pandangan..

Engkau lah tempat aku memohon pertolongan..
Engkau lah tempat aku bergantung..
Amin... Ya Rabbal Alamin...

Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Sunday, December 4, 2011

time flies....


Hi u'ols!!!! Feel like ages since I last visit this blog... Sorry dude for abandoning you for so long! Jangan merajuk ok!

Hey, it's December already!!! How time flies! Did u'ols noticed? Time flies really fast now.. It's a sign that we are nearer and nearer to Qiamah soon.. Huhuhu.. May Allah place us all with the righteous. Amin.....

Ok, actually, there's a lotttt to update. But, it just typical me that malas nak karang ayat and update blog. No one other than me la yang at loss here.. Hehe.. Because my intention to create this blog at the 1st place is to make it sort of memory lane where I jot down everything interesting happening in my life.. So later when I grow old, leh la baca-baca balik, and laugh..

First to update, bout my lovely budak kicik, Fatin Amani. Guess some of you might already know *thru my FB* that last few weeks, Fatin was admitted to hospital due to her prolonged cough and flu. Guess I mentioned before that she is frequently attacked by cough and flu. Bila dah kena tuh, lama baru nak baik. One good reason for it is she stays at nursery. Every pediatrician that I met agree with that. So her body doesn't have enough time to recover before kena attack balik. Ye lah, dia dah baik, ada budak berhingus, main sama-sama, balik rumah, anak I pun berhingus balik.. Pusing-pusing cam gitu lah..

But that day, it was on Wednesday, someone from Educare called me and told me that Fatin was having a very high fever. The temp was 38.7 degree Celsius. Hah.., I pon apa lagi, tak cukup tangan kemas barang-barang and straight away went to fetch her and went back home.

Alamak!! Anak dara I dah bangun pule... Nanti I sambung lagi....

Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Friday, November 4, 2011


As salam u'ols..

Happy Friday!

Yesterday, while I was watching BabyTV *yup that is my fav channel now!* with my Fatin, Mama hurriedly came out from her room and told me that someone wanted to organize an assembly to fight for freedom in sexuality orientation. It is called "sexuality merdeka" if I'm not mistaken.

I was like "WHAT THE HECK??"..MasyaAllah....

Guess some people in Malaysia has gone crazy and insane! And I heard, part of the organizing committee was someone really famous for leading another unnecessary assembly in Malaysia few months back.. I don't want to mention the name here.. Jijik and Geli!

As for me, that proposal, or even the idea, is blindly stupid and ridiculous.. This is MALAYSIA, dude! Kita menyanjung agama ISLAM as agama rasmi.  So, what they are trying to do here, from my point of view is like mencabar kedudukan ISLAM di Malaysia nih! HOW DARE YOU!!
Terang lagi bersuluh, ISLAM MENGHARAMKAN HUBUNGAN SEKSUAL LUAR TABI'I.. Hampa nak jadik GAY ke LESBIAN ke *tak takut azab Allah* hampa punya pasal.. Yang nak pi drag seantero rakyat Malaysia menghalalkan benda keji yang hampa nak buat tuh buat pa??? Tak ada keje???

Earlier today I read through a note in FB written by Dr Juanda Jaya shared by a friend. Honestly, I dunno who Dr Juanda really is, however, things that he said do make sense as hujjah to deny that very-disgusting + ta'ban assembly. 

Check this out!

"Islam akui kebebasan manusia. Ia suatu hal yang kudus. Kebebasan dalam erti kata menghormati sifat manusia, bukannya kebebasan yang menjerumuskan manusia kepada sifat binatang dan anti-manusiawi. Hal ini berlaku kerana Islam meletakkan manusia sebagai makhluk paling mulia, jauh berbeza dengan binatang. Hatta manusia non muslim juga diberikan hak untuk dihormati dan diberikan kebebasan yang sama untuk mereka. Nabi SAW bangun menghormati jenazah orang Yahudi yang menurut baginda adalah suatu manusia yang layak dihormati. Nabi SAW menyambut rombongan Kristian Najran di dalam Masjid kedua paling mulia iaitu Masjid Nabawi. Baginda menulis surat yang dimulakan dengan Salam untuk menghormati penerima suratnya yang terdiri daripada Kisra Parsi yang beragama Majusi, Kaisar Rom yang beragama Kristian, Muqauqis dan sebagainya.

Ya, Islam hormati kebebasan, tetapi dalam batasan manusiawi yang sudah pasti diakui manusia seluruhnya secara universal sebagai prinsip yang wajar diterima dan diperakui. Namun apabila ada yang cuba merendahkan taraf manusiawi insan lebih rendah berbanding haiwan, golongan syuzuz, aneh, pelik dan anti manusiawi ini wajar ditentang.

Binatang pun tahu pasangannya. Ayam jantan pasti akan mengendeng kepada ayam betina. Ayam jantan payah nak duduk sekali dengan ayam jantan lain. Ayam ayam jantan ini pasti bergaduh sakan bagi merebut ayam betina. Mereka mustahil bergaduh untuk berebut sesama jantan. Wow! Apa sudah jadi kalau manusia sudah jauh lebih hina daripada binatang? Yang jantan berpasangan dengan jantan yang lain, dan begitu jugak yang betina. Tak malu ker kepada ayam, itik, angsa, katak dan segala binatang senatero alam? Kalaulah ayam itu boleh bercakap bahasa manusia, sudah pasti ayam itu akan menyindir manusia yang aneh dan pelik ini. Mungkin ayam jantan tu akan berkata; Jantan jenis apa kamu ni? Memalukan manusia dan binatang jantan jer kamu ni?

Golongan yang memperjuangkan seksualiti aneh dan pelik ini wajar ditentang kerana mereka tiada tempat untuk duduk bersama manusia yang normal. Mereka akan membawa wabak yang merosakkan sifat manusiawi. Mereka juga pasti membawa kerosakan dan bala kepada manusia normal."

Make sense kan?? Bukan bermakna if Islam rejects this very-disgusting + ta'ban *I will be repeating this over n over again!* proposal, Islam denies human right! Nak freedom pun kena la ada limit, derr... Tah pape lah!

Hai..., apa nak jadi ngan Malaysia nihesok lusa, camana lah.. Huhuhhuhu...

So, k lah... Nak merenung masa depan... huhuhu...


 Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mandi Hujan..


Baru anak satu...

Belum pun kerja as professional lagi..

Baru bergelar PELAJAR.. Master je pulak tuh, belum PhD lagi...

Belum pun duduk and urus rumah sendiri lagi..


Cik Myvi dah 2minggu mandi hujan sahaja.. Dari sehari ke sehari nak bawak pi mandi sabun, tak jugak jadi..



Bertabahlah Cik Myvi, nanti I bawak you mandi buih ye... Huhuhuhu..

Source :

*Bismillah hirrahmanirrahim.. May today is better than yesterday.. Amin....*

   Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Assalamualaikum u'olls

Good afternoon.

Hoping that u'ols had a great start of the day.. As for me, I had good one, I guess.. Did something new today.. I had breakfast with my lil angel in my lab! Hahaha.. Kisahnya, I had to send Mama to Terminal Putra this morning. She has meeting at 9am, so she asked my help to send her to Terminal Putra at 8am since her driver is kinda busy playing Golf! *the driver = bodyguard = soulmate = Ayah.. Hahaha...*.

So, we departed from home at 8am. Being a very over-dramatic Mama, I felt guilty to send Fatin too early in the morning.. So I decided to have breakfast together with her first before sending her to Educare. I bought breakfast for both of us and we had it together in my lab. It was fun! *although Mama had to kidnap makcik cleaner's broom right after that to clean the mess..Huhu* .
Botol pink berisi Milo itu tidak dilupakan.. Haha

Steady je minah ni kotorkan lab mama...

Back to topic. It's me who currently having this so-called defect which is fingerprint-less.. No, it's not natural defect. I used to have it when I was born, during childhood, adolescent.. It just quite recently that my fingerprints are like washed out.. Disappear! *sigh..*

Dry & scaly.. Yuck! hehehe

Thumb-print yang dah separuh hilang!

I guess this disease is not rare. Ramai je menghadapi masalah ni rasanya.. It is caused by allergies to various detergents.. In my case, sabun basuh pinggan! Haiya... Suka saya nyatakan di sini, serious, this is not a reason for me to escape from washing the dishes hokay! Huhuhu...

Weird when it started when we moved in to Mama's. Dulu masa duduk rumah sewa tak ada pulak! Maybe because the amount of pinggan mangkuk that need to be washed by then was not as many as now. Skarang basuh pinggan for the whole family.., tuh yang ada effect kot..

Anyway, to be honest, I don't mind at all having the defect pon. It's not that my value kurang ke hape sebab jari jemari tak ada cap jari kan? *Duit hantaran dah dapat penuh dah! Hahaha....*. Cuma macam malu sket nak salam orang la.. My palm surely feel like jalan tar.. Wakakaka..

However, yang menjadi masalahnya sekarang ialah, the lab that I'm staying now (Machine Vision Lab, E-0, KOE)  *pe motif bagi alamat pon tatau...*, using the thumbprint technology to enter the lab! Hadoi mak haih... 

Actually it was there even before I moved in to the lab. Then there were some problem with the scanner, so they had to disable it. It happenned that, during that period lak I moved in. So memang I was saved by that la. but just few days back, the contractor came and repaired the scanner and now it's working, I lah yang ada masalah besar!

Kalau setakat tercongok 5-10 minutes in front the door just to be able to enter the lab biasalah! Luckily, the lab members usually tak close the door rapat. Diorang pon tak kuasa nak bangun bukak pintu agaknya! Lebih baik biar pintu tak rapat.. Haha

So, starting from now, I have to really care about my precious fingers. Doctor advised for me to use glove everytime doing the house chores. especially when it involves water and detergent. Tau tak nak sarung glove tuh leceh?. Plus, Fatin has kinda phobia towards the gloves.  Everytime she saw me with the gloves, dia menangis and started to be drama queen right away!! Haih...

Let's wear glove, girls! (Source : google)

BUT, Taking into consideration that I need my fingerprints to be there for my own convenience, leceh-leceh pon buat juga lah!

Other than that, I make sure I always have lotion with me. One at home, one in the lab, another one in my handbag. So everytime after washing hands, tenyeh balik lotion kat jari jemari. Making sure they are all moisturize all the time... 
FYI, that is soo not me.. Honestly, I'm not kind of girl who is always equipped with lotions and stuff in my handbag. So to make it a routine now *dah tua bangka ni..*, is soo difficult, I tell you... That's why kena ada 2,3 bottles of lotion and just placed it respectively to make sure I tak lupa..

Some of the lotions that I'm using (Source : Google)

Hopefully, my counter-measure for this issue do help and work! InsyaAllah.. Jenuh juga nak keluar masuk lab kalau tak ada cap jari nih... Plus, all banking transactions at the counter need thumbprint as verification nowadays.. At this point of time, I rasa technology cenggih-cenggih ni troublesome! Huhuhu..

But one good thing about having this defect is, Enche Suami has made a promise that later when we move out to our own house, he will do the dish-washing.. Yeay!!!! I hope he is not regretting  his decision to make that promise now.. Hahaha... Moral of the story, eventho dugaan yang Allah bagi might gives us headache and make us having a tough time now, InsyaAllah, there will be some good events afterwards.. Hehehe.... *wink,wink to Enche Suami..*

K lah, that's all! 

Till next time u'ols... 


   Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Laptop Master-Ji

Assalamualaikum U'olls..

Happy Saturday! How's ur weekend so far? Guess some of us might having a long holiday, since the Deepavali. Including la yours truly.. Mine was considered emergency leave rather than 'holiday' actually. Haha..

Deepavali was on Wednesday, so by right, I should be coming to the lab on Thursday, unfortunately, some COBAAN came up, so I decided to be absent and solve whatever problems first. Then on Friday lak, I did planned to go to the lab, tiba-tiba, on the Thursday's midnight, Fatin's temp spike up to 38degree. So I have to cancel my plan.. *like I really sad my plan was cancelled.. Haha*

Hopefully by Monday, nothing comes up, and my mood is at best to do my work, InsyaAllah.. Hehe

Alright, now, here, I'm proudly categorized myself as Laptop Master-Ji *wahh, statement berani..*. Hahaha... Agak *bukan agak,memang pon..* perasan di situ.. But anyway, last week, I managed to solve my laptop problem that I faced since last year.. Yeay!!

FYI, I owned a very cikai laptop, a DELL STUDIO 1537 which I bought *secara berjemaah with my babe, Dyana* back then on 2009. This laptop came with a pre-loaded Windows Vista *which is very the tak best*. Guess those who has experience using Vista should know how satisfying *inverted comma* it is.

(Source : Google)

So, one sweet day, I decided to upgrade the OS to Windows 7. Since none of us at home possessed the installation CD, I sent my beloved lappy to nearest computer store.

After that, yeay, my lappy was running a Windows 7 Ultimate OS. Memang bergaya, kelas dan menarik! *at that time, we were soo jakun with Win 7*..

After some time, I noticed there were slight problem. The graphics became shredded if I let the lappy runs for a while, or when I ran any heavy program like MatLab, or anytime I opened movie! Yes, it was slight problem at first. Not after it made me having a very tough time typing my assignments, or doing Matlab codes, or even check my FB's wall, since everything became shredded!! Then it became a very serious problem. Hukhukhuk...

I did brought the laptop to repair service. They said it was virtual memory problem. And that guy did something. It was OK for only a while, then it happened again..

Actually the solution was quite simple, just change back to Vista la kan? But being soo degil and ta'ban, I refused! Vista tak best! Hahaha.. *Yg sebenarnya den nak gak pakai Win 7 tuh.. Org len pakai, den pon nak gak.. Haha..*

Finally, I did something that solved the problem. But it cost me a lembab laptop since I had to remove my 1G RAM left me with only 2G RAM in my laptop..FYI, the laptop came with originally 3G RAM when I first bought it. Weird, I mean on how it solved the problem, but obviously, it works. But, dapat agakla kan when I run Matlab or C++ Programming ke, how lembab my laptop will be..

But since I still want to use Windows 7 and no shredded graphics, I gagah juga la gune.. Bak kata orang tua, 'biar lambat, asal selamat'.. Hahaha.. But not segagah my friend Dyana who keep using her laptop even with the shredded graphics here and there... Kasihan kami kan?

One day, something triggered me to dig for the solution in the net. Since Dyana & I were having the same issue, so I guess it must be that model that having problem with Windows 7. 

So, I post my problem in Lowyat Forum. Quite a lot of suggestions. There were few guys suggested for me to update the BIOS version. 

I checked my BIOS version. It was a A08 version. My guess it was 2008's version. Guess by then, Windows 7 wasn't released yet. So, that's why my BIOS doesn't support the specs for Windows 7.. *wild guess.. Bajet terer.. ;p * 

I downloaded the latest BIOS version from DELL.

So, after re-formatting my Laptop *thanks to hubby who generously bought for me the original Win 7 Installer! :) *, I flashed in the new version of BIOS and put back my 1G RAM in and tadaaa...., no more shredded graphics!!! YEAY!!! The problem is solved!!!

Wanted to make sure, was it the Win 7 original installer the hero, or the updated BIOS version, so I dengan confident nya *again, bajet terer..* offered Dyana to fix her laptop. So I only flashed in the BIOS to her laptop, same like I did to mine. Again, tadaaa.... it fixed the problem!! Hippa, hippa, hey!! *excited in BabyTV's version! ;p *

So now, both of us feel like using an expensive laptop again *yup, kami memang perasan! Ahaks..*

And I also fixed *dengan bangganya..* the Bluetooth problem as well. FYI, after upgrading the OS to Win 7, suddenly the bluetooth function was disabled. Guess most of u'olls know that one great thing about Win 7 is, when we install it, it will automatically install the drivers needed for our PC. Of course u need to connect to Internet la.. 

But in our case, seems that the Bluetooth driver was left out during installation. So download and install je la.. Wakakaka...

Enche Suami, I'm now Computer Master-Ji.. With a sarcastic-look, he said, 
"Oh yeah, then how come you took half a day to work on this PC *referring to our room desktop PC* and still not working while I only took half an hour to get it work?" 
Note : The sentence might not be exactly like this, but sometin like this la.. Yg penting, nada sarcastic and tak mau menerima hakikat itu ada! Huh!

Cess... Sarcastic! Tak encouraging langsung! By then I decided to change it to Laptop master-Ji.. *with TnC which only covers Dell Studio 1537 problem.. Itu pon certain problems only!* Hahahahaha....

But anyway, glad now my gadgets working fine, Alhamdulillah..

So those who might face same problem, when upgrading to Win 7 for your Dell Studio 1537 Laptop, here's the links for you to get the files:

 -> Bluetooth Driver

K, that's all for now.. Till next time.. 

Bye.. Wassalam.

Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2 kata...

As salam u'olls..
 Yup, it's me again! If u'olls noticed, today, I'm very active updating my status in FB and sharing links in FB and also posting new entries in this blog. 
Reason being, because my mind suddenly refuse to think about the 'real business' which is, my MASTER'S PROJECT!! Haiya mama! Maybe because I plan to go back early today? Or maybe because it's holiday tomorrow? Or maybe simply because I'm naturally lazy?? Hahaha.. Hate to admit it but I guess the last option fits my situation better! *Dush..Dush.. Tumbuk laju-laju*
Anyway, since I'm so not in mood to do something beneficial for my study's sake, so I decided to do something good for ummah-sake.. *wahh, gitu!*. Tak ada la.., cakap tuh nak bang-bang-boom je kan.. 
Nak share kata-kata ni je.. Got it from Heliza AF FB's wall.. Found it motivational. Thinking of sharing it to u'olls jugak..
✿ Ü“Berterima kasihlah pada yang kalah, kerana mereka kita menjadi juara.

✿ Ü“Berterima kasihlah pada yang menegur, kerana mereka mungkin kita di syurga.

✿ Ü“Berterima kasihlah pada yang menyokong, kerana mereka kita punya sumber kekuatan.

✿ Ü“Berterima kasihlah pada yang memberi, kerana mereka kita menjadi seperti sekarang.

✿ Ü“Berterima kasihlah pada yang berjasa, kerana mereka kita merasa sebuah kehidupan.

✿ Ü“Berterima kasihlah pada Allah, kerana setiap ujian yang datang menjadikan kita lebih baik!!
 (Credit to : Heliza Helmi AF)
 So, thank you, arigatou, cheche ni, terima kasih to all....


 Loads of love, 
 * Farah Jasni*

Something nice to share....

As salam u'olls..

Surfing thru my FB just now and terbaca this so-called poem shared by a friend, Pn Nadia Bayu. Very nice and the words are true, indeed.. Hehehe..

So, I dedicate this to my beloved husband, Enche Mohd Rozaidi.. *baca..jgn tak baca! Hahaha*

"Love her …when she sips on your coffee or tea. She only wants to make sure it tastes just right for you.

Love her…when she "pushes" you to pray. She wants to be with you in Jannah (Paradise).

Love her…when she asks you to play with the kids. She did not "make" them on her own.
Love her...when she is jealous. Out of all the men she can have, she chose you

Love her…when she has annoying little habits that drives you nuts. You have them too.

Love her…when her cooking is bad. She tries.

Love her…when she looks dishevelled in the morning. She always grooms herself up again.

Love her…when she asks to help with the kids homework. She only wants you to be part of the home.

Love her...when she asks if she looks fat. Your opinion counts, so tell her she's beautiful.

Love her…when she looks beautiful. She's yours so appreciate her.

Love her...when she spends hours to get ready. She only wants to look her best for you.

Love her…when she buys you gifts you don't like. Smile and tell her it's what you've always wanted.

Love her…when she has developed a bad habit. You have many more and with wisdom and politeness you have all the time to help her change. 

Love her…when she cries for absolutely nothing. Don't ask, tell her its going to be okay

Love her…when she suffers from PMS. Buy chocolate, rub her feet and back and just chat to her (trust me this works!)

Love her…when whatever you do is not pleasing. It happens and will pass

Love her…when she stains your clothes. You needed a new thobe (kurta) anyway

Love her…when she tells you how to drive. She only wants you to be safe.

Love her…when she argues. She only wants to make things right for both

Love her…she is yours. You don't need any other special reason!!!!
All this forms part of a Woman's Character. Women are part of your life and should be treated as the Queen.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) advised concerning the woman:

• Treat the women well.

• The best of you are those who are the best in the treatment of their wives."

(Credit to : Stunning Hijabs)

Eh...cop..cop.. Haven't finished yet hoccay.. Takkan lah husband je kena love the wife as she is.. We, wife, shud do that tooo... *of course!!*

So here goes the poem for the wives.. I know, we do love our husband as he is! *we always do right?? ;p *. Take this poem as, hmm.., just a motivational words.. Hahaha.. There are times when we feel so geram and nak cubit the husband kuat-kuat, kan? So maybe by reading this, can cool us down sket? Hehehe...

So ladies, read it whole heartedly tau! ;p

"Love him …when he "forgets" that special occasion. For him every moment with you is special so he does not need an occasion.

Love him…when he comes late from the Musjid. He wants to make sure he is early with you in Jannah (Paradise).... 

Love him…when he admonishes you to don the hijaab. He wants to be sure you enshrouded by Allah's Mercy when you leave the home.

Love him...when he is jealous. Out of... all the women he could have, he chose you to be his wife!

Love him...when he is working till late. At least he comes home and you still get to sleep and wake up in his loving and caring arms.

Love him…when he has annoying little habits that drives you nuts. You have them too (and maybe more)

Love him…when does not praise your cooking. He told you as newlyweds that yours was indeed always the best.

Love him…when he looks dishevelled. He was more busy caring for the family than grooming himself. By the way he is cute!

Love him…when he does not help in the home. He is out earning a halaal (pure) income for the family.

Love him...when he does not reply to your questions. He does not want to hurt your feelings or is absorbed in thinking about your welfare.

Love him…when he looks beautiful. He's yours to appreciate!

Love him…when he goes out in the Path of Allah. He is preparing a blissful eternal home for you in Jannah.

Love him...when he does not comment when you get angry. He is a good listener.

Love him…when he buys you gifts you don't like. Smile and tell him it's what you've always wanted. He took the time and money out just for you!

Love him…when he has developed a bad habit. You have many more and with wisdom and politeness you have all the time to help him change.

Love him…when he is irritable and moody. Buy chocolates, massage his head and feet and just chat to him. He will become your slave!

Love him…when whatever you do is not pleasing. It's like a storm; it happens and will soon pass by.

Love him…when he drives so fast. He only wants you to be there in time.

Love him…when he extends his period of rest. He is re-charging himself to serve you the best.

Love him…when he forgets to say "I love you". He actually shows his love in many other ways.

Love him…when he forgets to buy the bread or milk. He was rushing home to be with you.

Love him…when he does not give you a chance to talk. He just knows what is in your heart and what it is you want to say.

Love him…when he "demands" respect. After all he is the head of the house

Love him…when he shouts the kids. He only wants to ensure they are corrected and have a good moral upbringing.

Love him…he is yours. You don't need any other special reason!!!!
All this forms part of a man's character. Your Husband is part of your life and should be treated as the King!.

Almighty Allah Ta'ala says:
" And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts)…" (Qur'an 30:21)

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:
· 'Any woman who dies, and her husband is pleased with her, will enter Paradise.'"(Hadith-Ibn Majah)

· "If a woman prays her five daily prayers, fasts her month (of Ramadan), obeys her husband and guards her chastity, then it will be said to her: 'Enter Paradise by whichever of its gates you wish."(Hadith-Ahmad and al-Tabarani)

· "Pay attention to how you treat him(husband), for he is your Paradise and your Hell."(Hadith-13 Ahmad and al-Nisa'i)

· "No human being is permitted to prostrate to another, but if this were permitted I would have ordered wives to prostrate to their husbands, because of the greatness of the rights they have over them."(Hadith: Ahmad and al-Bazzar)

Don't wait for that special occasion, take time NOW to make him feel Special in Every Way! Just give him a HUGE HUG and if he asks why then say: 
" It's just because you are so SPECIAL." 
(Credit to : Stunning Hijabs)
Hope it the words inspire all of us in loving our partner more and more each day together. InsyaAllah.. 

Talking bout love, 3rd anniversary is coming soon lah! Hmm.... *hehehe..*

K, that wud be all.. Enjoy ur day! May Allah bless us, Ameen.. :)

Opps..sesat gambar romantic sket! Haha..

 Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Monday, October 3, 2011


As Salam u'olls..

Jap, jap.. Suddenly feel like wanna post this entry.. Hahaha..

Actually, just wanna share this.. 

A song entitled "Kau Yang Satu" by WOW. Lagu ni dah lama. Guess it's fair to categorize it in Rock Kapak's songs *or..Rokkapa.. me myself tatau cane nak spell.. haha*..

And the story behind this song and why I suddenly felt like sharing it here is, last weekend, Enche Suami sang this song for me at Karaoke.. Penuh perasaan tho ada sumbang sket *ooppss..*, but still, it was sweet.. Tq Enche Suami.. "S.A.R.A"... Hahaha...

Tetibe..rasa lagu nih best..tho before this bila dengar tak ada perasaan..
Tetibe..rasa nak download and put it in my Playlist
Tetibe..rasa nak carik YouTube vid of it and share it here..
Tetibe..dah ada dah entry ni..

Whole-heartedly... No worries darl, I'll always be ur biggest fan! Hahaha

"Practice makes perfect ayah!",kata Atin bila tang Ayah terkantoi..Hihi
Now it's my turn.. Listen and Learn... >__<

Sekian, terima kasih.. *sambung buat kerja...hikhik..*


 Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Bad Mama... :(

Assalamualaikum u'olls..

Monday blues tak? *Now it's appropriate to use the term 'blues' after a day..Haha*

My Monday *at least the starting of the day* was sooo tak best. Feel like I'm a bad Mama.. :(

This morning, I was so enthusiastic to send off my daughter to Educare a bit early than usual because I just got to know from my friend, Pn Nurul Izzah, that the breakfast time for Fatin's new class started at 830 am. Having a very good intention which is to train my baby to have breakfast together with her friends, so lebih meriah la, I nekad to send her early. 

So I skipped her breakfast session with me and her Ayah like we use to do every single morning. But, to make it 830am to be there, memang agak impossible la kan? *err...for me maybe.. Yours truly ni kan pot-pot (translate = clumsy) and lembab*. So, I left house around 855am and arrived Educare around 905am. Was hoping that there were still some food left for my baby.. 

Unfortunately, when I asked the teacher bout the breakfast, teacher said, there's no more food left for breakfast. Tepuk dahi! Alamak! 
Breakfast starts sharp at 830am. So, for those who is late, memang tak ada la. I thought kalau lewat dalam half an hour gitu, ada la lagi harapan kan.. Like in the previous class (Magnolia & Canangium), the rules are a lil bit linnean. Sometimes, I reached there at 10am, yet Fatin still have not had her breakfast *teruknya kan!! hehe*, I just need to inform her teachers that she still haven't had her breakfast and they will feed her. But this time around, that rule is no longer applicable. Guess they want to train the children to eat at proper time. Which is good!  *problem is Mama yg tak berdisiplin! Haih....*

But, pity my baby today, no breakfast for her.. Huhuhu.. Sorry sayang, it was Mama's fault that you missed your breakfast today! :(  Luckily it is kind of routine already that I prepare a box of Cornflakes in the car so that Fatin can kudap-kudap while she's in the car. And this morning, I brought a Kellogs Cornflake Bar. So I went back to the car and took the Cornflakes bar and passed it to the teacher. At least she can have that for alas perut while waiting for lunch at 11am.. Huhuhuhu... Still, rasa bersalah!! Sorry honey...

Fatin's breakfast for today
I'm sorry sayang!

Taking this incident as a lesson, I decided to send Fatin at 915am every morning. So that we can have a nice breakfast together beforehand. So Fatin is ready for the activities when she reaches school. Tak apalah tak dapat beramah-mesra with friends while having breakfast *which was my niat murni asalnya!Huhu*.. I need to be realistic! Coz to be there at 830am, hmm, I don't think I can do that for now.. Maybe later, InsyaAllah.. Furthermore, I tak sampai hati nak hantar Fatin too early in the morning! hehehe...

Whatever it is, the routine has to change! More discipline and need to improve my time management! Ganbatte neh, Farah!
That's all for now! *eventho, I actually wanna tell bout something else.. Nanti la ye! Wakaka..*

Till next time u'olls.. Wassalam!

  Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Friday, September 30, 2011

Berhenti Berharap..*Sangat*

As Salam u'olls..
Happy Friday! In Islam, Friday is the leader of the days.. Alhamdulillah, Allah has gave us one more Jumaat to breath..

Actually, today, I'm a bit sad and frustrated.. The reason? Related to the house thingy again.. *sorry if I make u'olls annoyyed ya.. Hahaha..*

The more info I know, the more rumors I heard, the more heart-broken and frustrated I am.. From time to time, they *the developer and u know who!!!* delayed to handover the keys. 

Few days back, I read in one info in a forum *hebat ngko, siap ada forum kutuk developer sebab dah delay lama...*, the developer sent an email informing that they will try their best to handover the keys by Sept 2012! I was like.. "H***K KO!".. Meaning it's going to one more year of waiting dude!! Agak-agak ar buat lawak tuh.. 

Everything looks complete already.. As if it is ready to be stayed.. And I just don't understand why we still need to wait for 1 year!!*panas hati...*

Then this morning, enche suami showed another info *I wud prefer to name it 'rumor' instead..*, saying that someone just called pkns and got to speak to the PIC of key handover process. The PIC said, probably, we'll get the notice for key handover session by end of October and we'll get the key by Dec. InsyaAllah, the house building will get the CF in a month time.

Knowing the fact *err..or rumor* might make my day brighter. However, I just don't want to put too much hope, since, it is sooo tiring to be in that cycle.. 

Excited hearing the news that we'll get the key soon -> dissappointed when nothing happen -> more frustrated knowing that it might be much later -> excited again -> and seterusnya..

i'm just tired and bored. Therefore, I decided not to put much hope anymore.. Let's put it this way, 'kalau dapat cepat, alhamdulillah, kalau lambat, lantok le....' 
Bak kata Sheila On 7, "Berhenti Berharap"..*in my case, I tambah, "sangat" kat belakang.. Tipu sangat kalau tak berharap langsung! Haha..*

Err..sebenarnya tak tau nape nak letak gamba pakcik yang tengah layan blues ni.. Tak releven. Tapi letak gak! (Source : Prof google)

K la u'olls.. Enjoy ur weekend! Till next time.. Wassalam...

Note out of topic : Bila kita dikurniakan rezeki, walaupun sedikit, kita ucapkan Alhamdulillah. Walaupun kadang-kadang the rezeki yang Allah bagi, requires some sacrifice, requires us to be out of our comfort zone. But InsyaAllah, everything will be alrite. Allah knows the best.. And for the most beloved one, I'm willing to...

 Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Magnolia, Canangium, Hibiscus..

Assalamualaikum u'olls..
Morning! How are u'olls today? Hoping that u'olls are in great shape, InsyaAllah..



Guess why I put up the photos of different flowers up here? Cer teka..cer teka.. Hehe..

Tak tau? Givup? Givup? *remind me of my childhood days.. Hate it when my sister forced me to say 'givup' if I didn't know the answer for the riddles that she gave before she told me the correct answer!*

Actually, the pictures are the name of the flowers that my daughter's classes are named of.. *macam tunggang terbalik ayat ni.. Tapi den maleh nak betolkan.. So, bear wif me la ek! Ahaks..*

On her first day in Educare back in Dec 2011, she was placed in Magnolia class. Then in June 2011, she was transferred to Canangium class. Today, she is again transferred to Hibiscus class.. Alhamdulillah..

This morning, I sent her to her new class. Anak mama dah besar.. She didn't cry pon when her new teacher took her.. Class arrangement pon is a bit different as compared to last 2 classes. More toys and there is small desk in the corner. 
And I was briefed that there will be more activities for the children. Sleeping time is only once in a day. Before this, twice a day.. Hmm.., hopefully, it'll be easier to get her fall asleep at night since she only sleeps once at school.. Hahaha...
Then, they will be trained to eat by themselves. Siap la mama menyental baju berlemuih dengan makanan lepas nih.. Hahaha.. Actually kat rumah dah train jugak makan and minum sendiri.. Memang sepah la.. What do you expect kan, 18months toddler makan, confirm la 'pupah' (translate = tumpah) .Pandai lak tuh ngadu kalau dia tumpah kan food or drinks, 
"Mama..pupah, pupah!".. 
Kalau kita tanya balik, "Tumpah.. Sapa buat?". 
Dengan confidentnya dia jawab, "Ayah.. Babab Ayah!". 
Kasihan Ayah.. Tiba-tiba jadi scape-goat pule.. Wakakaka...
Lepas tuh satu kerja lak la nak mengemas, but, it's ok la, for her growth, Mama & Ayah rela! *Ecececeh... Sebbaik Enche Suami I dengan cik penyapu kawan baik... Ngeee...*

But actually, i risau jugak with her 'manja terlebih' and 'ngada-ngada' attitude ni! Almaklumlah, now all the attentions directs to her.. Mengada-ngada la.. 
Yesterday, I was cooking when she came and asked me to 'addu' her (translate = dukung) *don't ask me why it becomes 'addu', ask her! She's the one who created the term..Hehe*, I refused. Ye lah.. I'm worried kang terkena minyak ke hape kan.. Then, she started to cry and suddenly went to the wall and hugged the wall, while crying.. I was like.., "Heh, mana pulak dia belajar peluk-peluk tiang macam hindustan neh??"
Tepuk dahi.. Anakanda...Oh anakanda..

So k lah.. Guess it wud be all for today.. Back to work! Hehehe.. Kena merajinkan diri! Kalau diikutkan perangai malas I neh, sampai ke sudah kerja tak settle.. Haha!

My flower and her favorite bear-bear...

Till next time u'olls.. Have a good day, Amin!


 Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Penantian Itu Satu Penyiksaan...

As salam u'olls..

Today is Wednesday.. It is very rare for us to hear a 'Wednesday Blues' term.. Because Wednesday is right in the middle of the week. Usually it's the busiest day in the week. And we have Monday and Tuesday to warm up after the weekend break. *and why aku berceramah pasal hari pula neh!*

Ok, my point is, although Wednesday shouldn't be a 'blues' day, still, I'm soooooo blues dan tadak mood today. My program is not working *and the fact that it is actually only a simple program JEEE breaks my heart! Huhu*.. My head spinning, since I woke up this morning.. In conclusion, today is my Wednesday Blues!

So..back to the topic. Apa yg dinanti? Apa yg seksa?

Baiklah, in this entry, I wanna reveal satu rahsia.. *POYOSS...* Rahsianya ialah, Alhamdulillah, we have managed to buy an apartment here nearby Gombak.. A newly developed apartment. Tak lah besar mana, memadailah untuk bertiga beranak or maybe berempat later *much later kot.. Haha..*.

Yeay.., itu part Alhamdulillah nye.. Yg part MasyaAllah nye ni.., sampai la ni, we are stilll waiting for the keys of the apartment. Masa nak beli, kumain manis lagi dengar, project is 99% completed. Dah boleh pack barang sebab tunggu masa je nak dapat kunci. By the time loan settled, leh masuk rumah baru. Leh raya rumah baru! Heh, sume nya janji pelesu!! 

They promised we can move in latest by July 2011. Tak jadi. Lepas tuh after Raya.. La ni dah raya ke berapa? Habuk pon tarak! Lepas tuh cakap MAYBE end of the year pulak.. Maybe.., bukan surely... Yg lebih geram, the other buyers said, we might only get the keys on 1st quarter next year! Sapa la tak geram dengar kan? 

And u'olls know what, the developer of the project is PKNS... We thought it will be safer and less hassle buying asset from PKNS since it is a government association. Hmm... haram! Sama je! Tah hape la yang tak kena tuh!

True, kalau ikutkan, we are not in urgency pon to move in. Coz currently we are happily staying with my parents. And not that my parents dah halau kiterang kuar ke hape.. In fact, the longer we stay, the happier they are.. Leh belek muka cucu hari-hari.. Hahaha.. 
But the thing is, kalau dah beli, and dah dijanjikan dapat masuk cepat, sakit hati jugak la kan?? Lagipon everyday dok lalu situ, tengok bangunan dah tersergam siap dah.. *actually dah lama dah siap...*, tapi owners still tak dapat kunci lagi.. Kalo u'olls, geram tak?

In the past few months, hubby n I were sooo excited looking around to get ideas to decorate our house. Quite a few fairs yg related to house-deco, furnishing kiterang redah *although hubby is the type who really hates to be in crowded area.. *. And in fact, we already bought some items for our little house yang ditunggu-tunggu tuh.. *Punyalah bersemangat laki bini nih! Ahaks..*

Therefore..., when this delays happened, we were soo disappointed and frustrated....

Huhuhuhu... It's ok lah.. Mesti ada hikmah di sebaliknya.. Bersabarlah Farah! *walopon dalam hati dok doa cepat la sket! hehe!*

Rumah sapa tah ni! Amik from google. Haha

K lah.. That's all la for now.. Nak pi carik lunch sat.. Lepas ni nak sambung keje *kalo ajin... Hahaha..*

Bye u'olls... 


note out of topic : Enche Suami, saya degil kan? Babab dia tuh! Hahaha....

Loads of love, 
* Farah Jasni*


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