Today, I would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to 2 of my loves..
Selawat n Salam to Rasulullah s.a.w on his birthday (12 Rabiul Awal). I really hope someday in the hereafter, I will be among the chosen one, to be selected to be in his group.. Amin... Again, selawat and salam to the chosen one, rasulullah s.a.w...
And I would also like to wish a very happy birthday to my dear baby, FATIN AMANI, based on Hijriah calendar.. She was born on 12th RabiulAwal last year on 840am.. Alhamdulillah..
So happy birthday loves!! To Fatin Amani, Mama pray for you to have a wonderful and healthy life.. Mama doakan peribadi Fatin Amani sehebat peribadi Rasulullah... Semoga Fatin Amani akan sentiasa dipelihara Allah, physically and also spiritually.. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin..
Mama love you so much, sayang.. No words can describe it... Mmmuuuuaaahhh...
Happy Birthday.... :)
hepi besday fatin