Assalam u'ols..
Hari nih rasa macam kehijauan... And badan macam rasa membesar.. And hidung macam ada keluar asap-asap.. Iras-iras makhluk kat bawah ni...
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Incredible Hulk |
Seriously, I pissed off!!! Hari ini attempt kedua contractor UNIFI datang rumah untuk install the precious unifi kat teratak kecil kami ni.. And kali kedua juga usaha GAGAL!!!
First time, tab log was missing... *memang khianat pengkhianat yang mencuri tab log rumah kami itu!!*, and this 2nd time, usaha gagal lagi sebab cable pula jahanam... *jahanam betul!*
Yang buat I nak jadik incredible hulk sangat nih, sebab dah pernah report pasal kerosakan regarding this phone-internet-line thingy to the management, and they took their own sweet time to repair it *sebulan hoccay???*, yet, ada problem lagi!!! Dah sekali harung buat tuh, cek la balik segala menda to make sure everything ok, KAN??? Nih dah kena buat kerja banyak-banyak kali.. Menyusahkan kami, menyusahkan contractor UNIFI dan menyusahkan diri sendiri.. Kan??
Now my order to UNIFI return balik...2 kali dah! Nanti I kena call balik UNIFI to confirm and re-schedule appointment.. Not to mention the pressure calling the management to follow up on the status of the repair work and almost everytime, *except for the last call* was frustrating!!
Disebabkan I marah, memang I dah naik hantu mengamuk dekat rep of the management team of my apartment ni tadi.. Guess it's been a while since I mengamuk macam tuh! Seriously u'ols, I pissed off!!! Geram sangat...
And that guy leh pulak cakap "Sub-con saya tengah busy..",
Heh, silap hari bulan la nak berlawak dengan saya enche.. Terus I maki dia kat situ jugak! I rasa satu level leh dengar I mengamuk kot! Di depan budak-budak contractor UNIFI tuh gak I maki rep tuh..
Banyak lah dia punya busy! Dah la salah dia buat keje tak betul-betul, pastuh boleh nak bagi alasan busy pulak bila orang complain??
Baru nak terkebil-kebil bijik mata...
I don't care, I want this to be fixed in 2 days time!!!
Apa motif tulis sini pun tatau.... Bukannya u'ols leh wat pape.. Huhuhu.. Tolong dengar je lah ek!
K lah... Bye, wassalam..
p/s - This blog was written and published thru a prepaid broadband connection that we have to purchase since management buat taik dengan kami membuatkan kami tak leh nak pasang UNIFI!! Grrrrr......
Loads of love,
* Farah Jasni*
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