
Saturday, December 4, 2010



As mentioned in the recent posts, I will tell the story bout my cik Myvi.. What happened korang tanya...

Heh, sila tengok gambar di bawah ini..

Huwaaahhhh... Remuk hatiku melihat keremukan cik Myvi ku....

Got the picture pals? Yes, Cik Myvi got into an accident.. On the very memorable day, 1st Dec 2010.. The day I sent my baby to Educare, on the very same day gak la, my ride accident..

Sadis... sadis...

The story started when we (hubby & I) sent Fatin to Educare... And as I mentioned in previous entry, she was crying like nak tertanggal anak tekak.. Huhuhu..

I was so heart broken and berhati pilu la masa tuh.. So hubby ajak bersiar-siar di Wangsa Walk utk menenangkan hati.. And to kill the time while waiting for 1230pm to come which I planned to be at Educare to feed Fatin..

So kiterang pon dengan berhati gundah terkenangkan anakanda nih tadi, keluar from UIA.. And thank God so much, that HE created an instinct to me to tighten my seat belt.. Padahal, before this, I memang malas nak tighten seat belt if I'm not driving.. (ooooppsss, kantoi..! Hehe..)

The traffic light right after the UIA's entrance was not working.. So hubby macam jalan-stop-jalan-stop sambil tengok cars from the other side. ye la since traffic light dah off, kena sendiri la pandai-pandai agak kan..

Suddenly, BUK!! And I was jerking agak kuat ke depan.. And Alhamdulillah, as I said, the seat belt did saved me from mencium dashboard or cermin depan as an impact from the jerked tadi.

I toleh belakang, tengok-tengok ada Toyota Unser just right behind us..

Sah la sudah, bontot (ooppss, plz excuse my word.. Hihi) dah dihentam dek Unser tuh.. We both parked the car the side road..

Haishh.. I duduk dalam kete, tak keluar, because I was still shocked. Hubby turun from the car to see the damage.. And I saw one pak arab keluar daripada Unser tuh..

Lepas agak-agak dah bertenang sket, I pon keluar and joined hubby and the Pak Arab..

According to him, he moved because he saw us moving. Suddenly kiterang stopped plak.. Tuh yg kena...

But, kot iye pon kiterang moved, takkan la member ni terus press accelerator cam nak pecut kat track F1 kan??? Come on la dude, it was at traffic light for God sake (malfunction traffic lite plak tuh!).. Press sket sudah...

Lagi satu, sah-sah la dia follow baik punya rapat.. Sebab tuh tak smpat brake bile suddenly noticed that the car in front brake..

My very 1st question to him, is this a rental car? Sebab bnyk je case inside UIA yg Pak-Pak Arab nih meng'accident' kan rental car. Pastuh lepas tangan and don't want to be responsible. Lagi haru nanti.. Ye lah, sebab bukan kete dia..

He said it is his father's car. His father is a UIA's lecturer and he said his father is coming. So, lega sket la.. Cane pon, kalo papahal, memang police bleh trace balik ke dia...

I tanya lagi (ke hubby ek, tak ingat plak.. ;p) his father is a lecturer in which Kulliyyah.. He said, Engineering.

Alamak... I dah dilanda kebimbangan.. Ye lah, dibuatnya his father is one of my lecturer yg akan ajar I next sem ke, tak ke will put me in a very difficult situation.. Huhuhu..

When he said in ECE department, I felt at ease again..

Quite a while, his father arrived.. And we started to negotiate. And as expected, he wanted to settle the issue outside. No police report and insurance involved.

And I maleh nak citer panjang, finally, he gave us RM 350 (boleh bayangkan tak??? 350???) and surprisingly, we accepted the money and went away.. Ala-ala dah settle gitu..

Honestly, I dunno why we were like idiots back then. Dah sah-sah la nak repair that kind of damage makan more than 350 kan??? Bengung kan??

So we went straight to the workshop near by just to get rough estimation on the cost.. The mechanic gave us the estimated cost...

Teka bape?


RM 2300!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ase macam nak termuntah hijau kat situ.. Dah la tengah dok teringat anakanda kot tengah melalak kat Educare tuh.. Plak tuh tengok duit 350 yg Pak Arab tuh bagi.. Tengok kertas cost breakdown yang mechanic tuh bagi..


2300 - 350 = 1950

Oit, abis scholarship sebulan woi!!!

Huwaaaa..... stress!!!!

Then we went back to Educare.. Sesungguhnya Allah tuh Maha Pengasihani. Sebab tuh dia bagi Fatin Amani yg comel tuh utk melegakan hati I yg gundah gulana tuh.. Once I looked at her face, ase terangkat stress kat kepala hotak yg serabut tadi.. Huhu..

Lama gak I dok dengan Fatin.. Hubby called, informed me that he has contacted back the Pak Arab yg langgar tuh and bagitau 350 is definitely not enuf since the repair cost take 2300..

He gave his father's no to hubby and hubby contacted the father plak and told him the same. Dia lak ckap workshop tuh kelentong amik mahal. So he said, petang after he finished his course, we can followed him to other workshop utk tanya harga..

Hubby pon agreed.. Tak kisah la, yg penting dia nak bayar la..

I went out from Educare around 140 gitu, hubby ajak pi Perodua Service Center. Just wanna get cost estimation kalo hantar kat Perodua Service Center.. At least, it is guaranteed that Perodua Service Center will give us the genuine parts.. Bukan kedai potong pny..

So I pon angguk je la.. Kiterang pon pi Service Center kat Jalan Ipoh (mmg slalu anta service kat situ je.. Service tip top, I tell U.. Hehe..).

And the PIC was very helpful indeed, dia siap prepare a letter with a quotation on the repair cost, so that we can show it to the Pak Arab.. Hehe..

Harga lebih kurang sama dengan the 1st workshop, around 2300.. But at least, terjamin original parts..

As promised, hubby met up with the lecturer that evening and I mintak my Ayah temankan hubby (Ayah muka garang sket.. So tak dela dia berani nak cin cong.. Hahaha..). Alhamdulillah, finally he agreed to settle via insurance..

So the next day hubby and him went to the police station to make report...

Yesterday, we went to Perodua Service Center to send our Cik Myvi masuk workshop.. Huhu

Jadinya, skang ni kami patah kaki la.. Tak leh nak gi mana.. We are going to spend our lovely weekend at home la nampaknya..

Takpelah.. Hopefully it won't take too long.. Huhuhu.. Kalo tak, susahla I nak pi kelas nanti..

Anyway, I believe there must be hikmah on what had happened.

Lesson learnt,
  1. never forget or cekelat from tightening your seat belt.
  2. never ever forget or malas-malas to tighten seat belt to your child car seat..
kerana kemalangan tidak berbau...

Oh cik Myvi, gonna miss you...


  1. weh farah, bila jadi ni? semalam ke? tak claim insurance unser tu ke?

  2. Pojan: sume dh setel...menunggu la gamaknye...aiseh...Lu pon kene gak ke?? Takziah bro..Senasib la kite

  3. farah..ciannyer..patut la bad mood..tgk macam skit mahal btul nak mst ader hikmahnya kan..hope lepas ni dah takde kejadian camni menimpa..semoga sentiasa dlm rahmat Ilahi


And They Said....


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