Since my bp was way too high,around 5 sumtin am,i was given a medicine,for hypertension...lepas tu barulah i dapat tidur sekejap..
At 6,i woke up,freshing up a bit,then i performed my subuh prayer.right after that,a nurse came in and told me dat we were going to labor room shortly...
Dlm hati i,cepatnya pindah labor room!bertambah saspen lah ini macam.she said d induction procedure will b prformed there..
So,kami pon pindah labor room.n i pulak,entah nrvous sgt ke hape,asik nak fact,masa kat ward lagi dah ulang alik toilet..mujur dalam labor room tu ada toilet ..
Masa midwife datang pasangkan d CTG machine on me,i asked about d induction.dia kata,dia nak cek dulu b4 masuk she checked *baca:seluk to check the opening*,jeng jeng jeng,kak midwife tu kata dah bukak 3cm! Heh? I terkejut beruk mak yeh juga la.maknanya,i memang dh nak labor dgn sndirinya without ubat lah!
Akak tu tny,tak ada rasa sakit-sakit ke?i geleng je.memang tak de lagi.then she said,since dah opened by 3cm,tak leh nak insert ubat induce dah.. *baca : ubat yg dimasukkan kot bawah*.So I expected that they will just let me have normal labor,meaning,rasa sakit and wait till my cervix is fully dilated (10cm) sendiri..
Around 9 something, Dr Zalina (the gynae) came in just to check on me. So I pun tanya lah, tak jadi induce ke, since dah dilated by 3cm. Doc was shocked.she didn't knew that I missed the 6am induce procedure that she had scheduled. So the midwife was called and asked. I tak berapa nak dengar the conversation since they discussed while walking out from the labor room *and sebenarnya tak berapa nak faham jugak since they used all these kinds of medical shortforms..haha*.
Tak lama kemudian, the midwife came in taking some stuffs from the laci and datang kat I and pasang all those IV thingy and letak a bag of liquid. Hubby tanya, apa menda pulak ni, mdiwife jawab, ubat induce.. Just to speed up the dilation..
Not long after that, she came to break the water bag. Oh man, the procedure is painful. Maybe b'cos, it was only 3cm by then when she broke the water bag. I dunno.. Masa Fatin last time, the midwife broke the water bag when I already dilated by 6cm. So masa tuh mmg dah sakit contraction kuat, so, tak kisah dah apa yg dia dok buat..*kot?..haha*
Tak sampai one hour after that, bermulalah azab sakit contraction.. I think, since the water bag has been broken *quite early i wud say* and plus the induction med yg terus masuk darah tru IV, the pain terus spike macam ke hape.. Memang nangis ok! And if I remember correctly, the pain is worse than the pain giving birth to Fatin. Maybe masa Fatin, tahap kesakitan tuh naik sikit-sikit. So my body adapt better kot. This time, dia macam spike terus, ada sedikit shock di situ.. Agaknya lah... Haha..
Midwife offered a pain killer shot, cepat-cepat angguk. Lepas kena cucuk, she gave me, some sort of gas mask tuh, and asked me to breath in through the mask kalau sakit sangat. Sekali dua I sedut, terus macam lalok.. Tiba-tiba nampak husband makin jauh,makin jauh...Suara pun dengar sayup-sayup je..
I thought, with the help of that, I can sleep soundly la.Since mmg lalok sangat rasa.. Tetapi, angan-angan ku musnah, sekejap je lena, then contraction datang frequently and kuat sangat.. Lalok camana pon, sakit tu tetap rasa.. Hadoi la... I think I cried like a baby kot mengadu kat Enche Jdai.. Alhamdulillah, this time around, he was there all the time by my side. Tho there's notin he could do to reduce the pain, but somehow, his presence there is enough..hehehe...
Few hours after that, the midwife came in and checked my progress. Alhamdulillah, 6cm dilated. So, they started to prepare equipments for delivery. Only God knows how hard I prayed for it to be over... Not long after that, I started to feel the urge to push. I bukak mata, looked around, Dr Zalina wasn't there yet. Ah sudah..! I started to worry the possibilities of giving birth on my own.. I mean without doctor's presence.
Nasib baik not long after that I heard her voice. Guess doc ni memang cool lah.. Dalam tengah kalut-kalut preparing herself nak sambut baby tuh, sempat lagi chatting with the nurses *if i'm not mistaken they were 3 or 4 nurses in there including kakak midwife tu..* pasal baju lah, tudung lah.. Hahaha... Lagi tak tahan, hubby pon menyampuk jugak! Sebab somehow, he happened to know the location of the kedai yg Dr Zalina tuh mentioned! Cet! Aku tengah nak bersabung nyawa nih, depa leh sembang pasal kedai baju pulak eh! hehehe..
Then when everything was ready, I heard doc said, "Sikit je lagi nih.. Dah nampak dah rambut baby..".. Siap offer hubby tengok sekali.. Masa dengar tuh, I rasa bersemangat sikit. thinking that it will be over, and gonna see the lil guy that I carried for 9months soon. So when the contraction came, I pushed as hard as I could. Mula-mula I pegang tangan 'halus' my husband tuh. But then the midwife didn't let me to. Instead, she asked me to hold besi tepi katil tu. She said,"tarik besi tuh sampai panjang, tak apa..".. Dalam sakit-sakit tuh sempat pulak pikir, "boleh ke besi ni jadi panjang aku tarik?".. Hehehe.. Silly me!
Alhamdulillah, with the total of 3 strong pushes, Muhammad Faris Rusydi was born. To be honest, I rili felt that if I failed to give birth to Faris with that 3 pushes, then maybe he will need to be vacuumed out since mama dah black out. Seriously... The pain was.., MasyaAllah, can't be described. memang I pushed sekuat hati to make sure it worked out since I mmg dah rasa macam nak mati dah.. *ohh..over dramatic choice of word! hehe*
Tapi Alhamdulillah..., Allah tuh Maha Mengetahui, Penyayang dan Mengasihani.. HE will never let HIS servant to suffer the burden that he/she cannot bear.. Maka lahirlah anakanda Faris ke dunia, Alhamdulillah dalam keadaan sihat walafiat..
Syukur, Allah panjangkan umur ku utk mendengar tangisan pertama anakanda..
Syukur, Allah berikan aku rezeki untuk menyusukan anakanda buat pertama kali...
Syukur, Ya Allah, kerana menyelamatkan aku dan memberi aku kekuatan menghadapi kesakitan terhebat selepas sakitnya sakaratulmaut..
Setinggi-tinggi syukur, Ya Rabb, kerana menghadiahkan aku zuriat yang sempurna, sihat dan indah, Muhammad Faris Rusydi bin Mohd Rozaidi...
At 6,i woke up,freshing up a bit,then i performed my subuh prayer.right after that,a nurse came in and told me dat we were going to labor room shortly...
Dlm hati i,cepatnya pindah labor room!bertambah saspen lah ini macam.she said d induction procedure will b prformed there..
So,kami pon pindah labor room.n i pulak,entah nrvous sgt ke hape,asik nak fact,masa kat ward lagi dah ulang alik toilet..mujur dalam labor room tu ada toilet ..
Masa midwife datang pasangkan d CTG machine on me,i asked about d induction.dia kata,dia nak cek dulu b4 masuk she checked *baca:seluk to check the opening*,jeng jeng jeng,kak midwife tu kata dah bukak 3cm! Heh? I terkejut beruk mak yeh juga la.maknanya,i memang dh nak labor dgn sndirinya without ubat lah!
Akak tu tny,tak ada rasa sakit-sakit ke?i geleng je.memang tak de lagi.then she said,since dah opened by 3cm,tak leh nak insert ubat induce dah.. *baca : ubat yg dimasukkan kot bawah*.So I expected that they will just let me have normal labor,meaning,rasa sakit and wait till my cervix is fully dilated (10cm) sendiri..
Around 9 something, Dr Zalina (the gynae) came in just to check on me. So I pun tanya lah, tak jadi induce ke, since dah dilated by 3cm. Doc was shocked.she didn't knew that I missed the 6am induce procedure that she had scheduled. So the midwife was called and asked. I tak berapa nak dengar the conversation since they discussed while walking out from the labor room *and sebenarnya tak berapa nak faham jugak since they used all these kinds of medical shortforms..haha*.
Tak lama kemudian, the midwife came in taking some stuffs from the laci and datang kat I and pasang all those IV thingy and letak a bag of liquid. Hubby tanya, apa menda pulak ni, mdiwife jawab, ubat induce.. Just to speed up the dilation..
Not long after that, she came to break the water bag. Oh man, the procedure is painful. Maybe b'cos, it was only 3cm by then when she broke the water bag. I dunno.. Masa Fatin last time, the midwife broke the water bag when I already dilated by 6cm. So masa tuh mmg dah sakit contraction kuat, so, tak kisah dah apa yg dia dok buat..*kot?..haha*
Tak sampai one hour after that, bermulalah azab sakit contraction.. I think, since the water bag has been broken *quite early i wud say* and plus the induction med yg terus masuk darah tru IV, the pain terus spike macam ke hape.. Memang nangis ok! And if I remember correctly, the pain is worse than the pain giving birth to Fatin. Maybe masa Fatin, tahap kesakitan tuh naik sikit-sikit. So my body adapt better kot. This time, dia macam spike terus, ada sedikit shock di situ.. Agaknya lah... Haha..
Midwife offered a pain killer shot, cepat-cepat angguk. Lepas kena cucuk, she gave me, some sort of gas mask tuh, and asked me to breath in through the mask kalau sakit sangat. Sekali dua I sedut, terus macam lalok.. Tiba-tiba nampak husband makin jauh,makin jauh...Suara pun dengar sayup-sayup je..
I thought, with the help of that, I can sleep soundly la.Since mmg lalok sangat rasa.. Tetapi, angan-angan ku musnah, sekejap je lena, then contraction datang frequently and kuat sangat.. Lalok camana pon, sakit tu tetap rasa.. Hadoi la... I think I cried like a baby kot mengadu kat Enche Jdai.. Alhamdulillah, this time around, he was there all the time by my side. Tho there's notin he could do to reduce the pain, but somehow, his presence there is enough..hehehe...
Few hours after that, the midwife came in and checked my progress. Alhamdulillah, 6cm dilated. So, they started to prepare equipments for delivery. Only God knows how hard I prayed for it to be over... Not long after that, I started to feel the urge to push. I bukak mata, looked around, Dr Zalina wasn't there yet. Ah sudah..! I started to worry the possibilities of giving birth on my own.. I mean without doctor's presence.
Nasib baik not long after that I heard her voice. Guess doc ni memang cool lah.. Dalam tengah kalut-kalut preparing herself nak sambut baby tuh, sempat lagi chatting with the nurses *if i'm not mistaken they were 3 or 4 nurses in there including kakak midwife tu..* pasal baju lah, tudung lah.. Hahaha... Lagi tak tahan, hubby pon menyampuk jugak! Sebab somehow, he happened to know the location of the kedai yg Dr Zalina tuh mentioned! Cet! Aku tengah nak bersabung nyawa nih, depa leh sembang pasal kedai baju pulak eh! hehehe..
Then when everything was ready, I heard doc said, "Sikit je lagi nih.. Dah nampak dah rambut baby..".. Siap offer hubby tengok sekali.. Masa dengar tuh, I rasa bersemangat sikit. thinking that it will be over, and gonna see the lil guy that I carried for 9months soon. So when the contraction came, I pushed as hard as I could. Mula-mula I pegang tangan 'halus' my husband tuh. But then the midwife didn't let me to. Instead, she asked me to hold besi tepi katil tu. She said,"tarik besi tuh sampai panjang, tak apa..".. Dalam sakit-sakit tuh sempat pulak pikir, "boleh ke besi ni jadi panjang aku tarik?".. Hehehe.. Silly me!
Alhamdulillah, with the total of 3 strong pushes, Muhammad Faris Rusydi was born. To be honest, I rili felt that if I failed to give birth to Faris with that 3 pushes, then maybe he will need to be vacuumed out since mama dah black out. Seriously... The pain was.., MasyaAllah, can't be described. memang I pushed sekuat hati to make sure it worked out since I mmg dah rasa macam nak mati dah.. *ohh..over dramatic choice of word! hehe*
Tapi Alhamdulillah..., Allah tuh Maha Mengetahui, Penyayang dan Mengasihani.. HE will never let HIS servant to suffer the burden that he/she cannot bear.. Maka lahirlah anakanda Faris ke dunia, Alhamdulillah dalam keadaan sihat walafiat..
Syukur, Allah panjangkan umur ku utk mendengar tangisan pertama anakanda..
Syukur, Allah berikan aku rezeki untuk menyusukan anakanda buat pertama kali...
Syukur, Ya Allah, kerana menyelamatkan aku dan memberi aku kekuatan menghadapi kesakitan terhebat selepas sakitnya sakaratulmaut..
Setinggi-tinggi syukur, Ya Rabb, kerana menghadiahkan aku zuriat yang sempurna, sihat dan indah, Muhammad Faris Rusydi bin Mohd Rozaidi...
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2nd day of his life |
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My heroes.. |
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Assalamualaikum world.. |
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The two most precious gifts in my life, Fatin Amani & Faris Rusydi.. |
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